Sarawak Cuisine

Sarawak Cuisine

Monday 30 December 2013

Last but not least, the all time famous nasi aruk.

Nasi Aruk is the Sarawak version of fried rice. There are two choice which is Nasi Aruk Seafood and Nasi aruk biasa. Serve with a special sambal to add on the taste and the spiciness. 
Next of the menu is Mee sapi.

It is prepared just like kolo mee with a diffrent method of cooking. Served with sliced beef, beef soup and spicy sambal. There's two choice of noodle which is egg noodle and ramen noodle. The different of mee sapi special is the add on of homemade beef ball, large potion of noodle and extra sliced beef meat.
The famous Iban dish, Ayam pansuh.

Ayam pansuh is prepared by cutting chicken into pieces, add mushrooms, lemongrass and tapioca leaves into the bamboo and than cooked over open fire. This will add flavor to the chicken and the result is tasty and juicy chicken with gravy of lemongrass.

Sunday 29 December 2013

Jay's Fine Dining restaurant

Let's start with the famous of all, the Sarawak Laksa.

The Sarawak Laksa is essentially rice noodles(bee hoon), cooked in a shrimp-based broth that is made with coconut milk. It is served with generous amount of bean sprouts, few boiled prawns, egg omelette and shredded chicken. To add on spice, there is the thick sambal paste with lime.  

To the next dishe of the menu is Umai.

It is popular among the fishermen of melanau, an ethnic group in Sarawak. Umai is basically a raw fish salad. It is made with freshly caught fish, usually mackerel, umpirang or bawal hitam then sliced into thin slivers. The addition ingredients include onion, chili, salt, and lime or assam juice. This give the salad the signature sour taste.

Vegetable is essential. The famous Midin belacan.

Midin is  a species of fern that can only be found in Sarawak. Midin belacan is prepared by stir-frying midin then add on belacan. Midin unlike other vegetable that get soft when cooked, midin remain crunchy.